CandLE books for Grid
We have teamed up with CandLE, a UK based charity who support students who use AAC. They create resources to help make learning and reading accessible through Grid. Find out more about CandLE and how you can get hold of some free books this World Book Day… CandLE’s library of over 400 accessible books allow Grid users to access reading independently. Their books have been developed to allow users to control every aspect of the reading experience, from picking a book to controlling the speech, turning pages and bookmarking. When users read a book in Grid, the text speaks and highlights, allowing them to follow along with the text as the story is read aloud. There is also a Tools function that provides extra features such as quoting text and communication tools. Please visit the CandLE website to find out more about accessible books for Grid. Keep an eye on their blog this week, where they will be sharing free books in honour of World Book Day. Contact CandLE by email: office@candleaac.com CandLE students use their Grid books alongside their curriculum and literacy work but also reading for pleasure during their downtime at school and at home. The books allow communication partners to engage with students on a different level and inspire conversation outside of the realms of the everyday school day. The goal is to help foster a love of the written word and stories, promote independence, and bring users enjoyment through reading. Jack has been CandLE student for 5 years and began his reading journey through Grid 3 which started with his love of the PIG books which are amusing stories for teenagers about a ‘Naughty kid’ called Peter Ian Green. He has now discovered a love for reading non-fiction books to support his learning at the CandLE learning hub – he recently enjoyed reading about ‘The Iron Age’ and ‘The Bronze Age’ and especially enjoyed reading about the weapons they made and wrote a fantastic essay on the subject. Holly came to CandLE at the age of 7 and has used Grid 3 over the years to access reading which has had a significant impact on her literacy development. She is now in sixth form in a mainstream school studying philosophy and psychology at A-Level, using Grid 3 to access the extensive reading she needs to support her learning. Debra loves to read! She is currently supported by CandLE in mainstream school in year 9 and uses grid 3 to access her reading materials for lessons such as English, science and humanities and enjoys reading Grid 3 books in her downtime. She is able to access every element of the book independently through eye gaze. Try Grid with a free trial Grid 3 for windows and Grid for iPad is available as a free trial which you can download below. If you have any questions, or would like help getting started please contact us.Read your favourite books in Grid!
All about accessible books for Grid
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