Using Grid in the Classroom
Oasis Academy Long Cross is an inclusive primary school in Bristol, supporting a diverse group of children with complex learning difficulties. Over the past two years they have been using Grid for iPad to support students with their communication, language development and education. About the school Oasis Academy’s specialist provision consists of five classes and 36 children who present a wide range of communication needs. Each child has their own iPad and copy of Grid for iPad which is theirs to use throughout the school day and at home. A total communication environment Grid is used in every lesson at Oasis Academy, supporting students to make choices, comment on what is happening around them and to work towards their communication goals. Teachers also use Grid on the interactive white boards to support the curriculum and to model language as they teach. There are also paper based resources printed around the classroom and playground to further support language development. The range of resources available in Grid ensures that there is appropriate content for every student. From early cause and effect tools like Interactive Learning, to research-based symbol vocabularies like Voco Chat and Super Core. Tom – Grid Lead at Oasis Academy “Grid truly allows pupils and communication partners to access communication at the earliest stages of development, all the way to simple computing and coding activities. I cannot speak highly enough of the achievements of children having consistent access to Grid in support of their learning and experiences. The simplicity and effectiveness of the software and ability to engage with Smartbox for support, have made this transition towards ‘high tech’ communication, so much simpler than it could have otherwise been.“ Try Grid for iPad at your school Grid for iPad is available as a 30-day free trial which you can download from the Apple App store. If you have any questions, or would like help getting started please contact us.Discover how Oasis Academy use Grid in the classroom
– Tom, Grid Lead
– Hannah, Creativity Lead